
16 August 2011

What to Read this Week

This is an attempt to instate a weekly post. It is a list of random things on the internet I’ve read or watched this week. Some of them are serious, some of them are not. My mood tends to vary over the week and this macafouchette of articles and videos is the result.
Here is this week's list:

1.) Stop Coddling the Super Rich
Many of you have probably read this already. It was trending on Twitter and popping up all over Facebook. But just in case you haven't seen this, I'm drawing it to your attention. It's an op-ed in the New York Times written by Warren Buffett. Essentially he argues that America's financial problems could in part be solved by increasing taxes on the richest parts of the population. In my opinion, this is the kind of common sense that would make the world a better place. 

2.) What Google Didn’t Buy
Ok, enough with the serious. Time for some fun. The folks at Google have a lot of money and can buy just about anything. But they are missing out on some true joys in life. My personal favourite: an in-house cheese cave.

Mmmm... cheeeessee

3.) Post Conflict Potter
This didn't actually come out this week but I want to include it anyway. If you're not into Harry Potter this may not interest you. But if you are it is kind of cool. It is a real life foreign policy analysis of the fictional world of Magic. Personally, I really hated that final chapter where we look 19 years into the future and see a world that doesn't look any different. For me, this article was a better look into the future of Harry's life. It talks about the politics of the magical world in a post-war era. It's a little bit lefty but, c'mon, so is Harry. Anyway, give it a read!


4.) Jeremy Gilley
This is actually a video of a speech given by Jeremy Gilley, the founder of Peace One Day. If you've not heard of it, you can find out more here. He talks about how he started out his organisation and the ups and downs that got him to where he is today. He's a cool, well-spoken guy with an inspiring story.

5.) Beer Billboard Casts Long Shadow 
If you are like me, a sucker for super-cool advertising, this amazing artwork is really going to make you crave a Newcastle Brown Ale. I don’t even like beer. But I would drink one because of this.

This is a speech by the US Chief of Naval Operations. It is a bit long-winded and I’m going to admit that I haven’t read the whole thing. But the message is an important one: stop seeing social media as a security risk and start seeing it as a tool to engage more dynamically with an “audience of audiences”. If you use Facebook/Twitter/Google+ (and let’s face it, you DO!) and you’ve ever worried about how your profile affects your professional life, then this speech reminds you that your online life is not a professional liability but a very important tool.

Another great advertising campaign/ fun way to waste time when you should be working/studying/exercising. Warning: might induce cravings for unhealthy dairy products. 

Happy Reading!

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