
26 August 2011

I'd Trade All My Tomorrows

In a few days I will be leaving Sheffield. The thing is, I’m rubbish at goodbyes. I’ve watched some really amazing people leave and I haven’t said anything more sentimental than “see you later”. It’s just really difficult to sum up the meaning someone had in your life as they are walking out the door. I’m rubbish at goodbyes. But more than that, goodbyes are just rubbish. This post is my attempt to make up for all the rubbish goodbyes so far and hopefully avoid future rubbishness. All the people that were in my life this year meant something really special to me. You made this one of the greatest years of my life. I’ll miss you all more than you really know.

Here are some reminders of what the post-grad year was all about:

Making Friends

Falling Out

Eating Healthy

Plenty of Exercise

Being Cool

Being Cold


Occasionally we did a little bit of work
Just for you, Ailin.
And everyone needed a little rest every now and then...

Don't be sad if you aren't in my photos. It's not because I don't love you.. it's because I don't have any photos of you. And to be fair, by the quality of these photos, you probably don't want to be in any! 
I love you all, and I'll miss you all! Goodbye to Sheffield! Amazing city, amazing friends, amazing year :)

1 comment:

  1. I'm a little bit sad for you now. ~Kyle
