
31 August 2011

Listening List

It is Wednesday. So that means it is time for my weekly recommendations. No reading this week though. Just listening. In the spirit of being home and being local and all that, I wanted to big-up de Bajans (highlight some local talent). In the last five years or so there has been an explosion of musical talent on our island. We've always had the soca artists many of whom are extraordinarily talented. But this new surge is really a diversification of genres represented by bands at home. My home-friends will know all of these. But for those of you across the pond and elsewhere, I hope this introduces you to some new favourites.

So I think all these artists are really cool. I hope you do too. Of course, can't big up local talent and forget this girl. She is an inspiration. And I can't help but think that her massive success has in some way driven all the guys above. Also, amazing video!

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