
31 August 2011

Listening List

It is Wednesday. So that means it is time for my weekly recommendations. No reading this week though. Just listening. In the spirit of being home and being local and all that, I wanted to big-up de Bajans (highlight some local talent). In the last five years or so there has been an explosion of musical talent on our island. We've always had the soca artists many of whom are extraordinarily talented. But this new surge is really a diversification of genres represented by bands at home. My home-friends will know all of these. But for those of you across the pond and elsewhere, I hope this introduces you to some new favourites.

So I think all these artists are really cool. I hope you do too. Of course, can't big up local talent and forget this girl. She is an inspiration. And I can't help but think that her massive success has in some way driven all the guys above. Also, amazing video!

30 August 2011

Being a West Indian

Yesterday I traveled all the way home to my lovely little island in the Caribbean. It is a long journey but one that is totally worth it! I love my island and I love the feeling of coming home.

On the plane on of the films they showed was Fire in Babylon. I've been meaning to see it since I first saw the trailer a few months ago. But it did a really stingy tour of UK cinemas and I hadn't had the opportunity. So obviously I was really excited that they were playing it on the flight. I've got to say, it definitely lived up to all the expectation. It is a fantastic film! If you have any interest at all in the West Indies, cricket, sport, racial tension, regional identity, or team dynamics, you should definitely give it a go. Watching this film made me so proud to be a West Indian. It reminded my what the spirit of our region is about. It is about working hard, defying prejudice, exceeding expectations. It is about forging a culture out of a complex history but not conforming to colonial pressures. We may be small islands but we are not insignificant and we will not be ignored. I'm not going to give a summary of the film because you can find a better one here and here. And you should just watch it yourself anyway. One of my favourite quotes was this (and I'm paraphrasing a bit because I can't remember exact wording): Babylon is not a place. It is a condition. It is a state of being in which unjust actions are cast upon a people who do not deserve it.

from here

26 August 2011

I'd Trade All My Tomorrows

In a few days I will be leaving Sheffield. The thing is, I’m rubbish at goodbyes. I’ve watched some really amazing people leave and I haven’t said anything more sentimental than “see you later”. It’s just really difficult to sum up the meaning someone had in your life as they are walking out the door. I’m rubbish at goodbyes. But more than that, goodbyes are just rubbish. This post is my attempt to make up for all the rubbish goodbyes so far and hopefully avoid future rubbishness. All the people that were in my life this year meant something really special to me. You made this one of the greatest years of my life. I’ll miss you all more than you really know.

Here are some reminders of what the post-grad year was all about:

Making Friends

Falling Out

Eating Healthy

Plenty of Exercise

Being Cool

Being Cold


Occasionally we did a little bit of work
Just for you, Ailin.
And everyone needed a little rest every now and then...

Don't be sad if you aren't in my photos. It's not because I don't love you.. it's because I don't have any photos of you. And to be fair, by the quality of these photos, you probably don't want to be in any! 
I love you all, and I'll miss you all! Goodbye to Sheffield! Amazing city, amazing friends, amazing year :)

24 August 2011

Birthday Shout-out, "reading list", and appeal for assistance

BIG UP a girl like Dellis pon she Burtday!!
This is my dearest friend FaydeLys:
An appropriate Birthday Picture because we are eating cake. Tbh, there were a few cake-eating photos to choose from.

She is very cool and very clever and 21 TODAY! Love you Caterpillar. Hope you are having the best day ever XO

Ok, now here is the list of things to read this week. You'll see that I've switched off my brain this week as a) there aren't many items on this list and b) they aren't very clever items.

1.) Best. Roommate. Ever.

A hilarious but very real advert on craigslist. I want to live with this guy, don't you? I'll be looking for a home soon too and might well steal this idea.

2.) Alexa Meade's Human Canvases

Less to read, more to look at. This is art. It is innovative, contemporary, and totally accessible. You don't need to be into art to be into these portraits.

3.) The Republicans' new voodoo economics

I often have a hard time understanding economics. But, as a politics major, it is kind of important that I at least have an idea of what is going on. This article looks at the changes in ideology of the GOP with regards to economics. I like it because it is simple and easy to understand and I read the whole thing I knew what it was on about. So really I'm showing you this just to brag that I know a teeny-tiny little bit about econ.

4.) Jack White on Restriction & Creativity

Being a rock star isn't just fun, it is a job. It is hard word. Jack White says that a good work ethic is the key to success, and the same is true for all jobs, not just cool musicians. The volume on this video is pretty low so jack up your speakers before you start it. ("jack up" ha ha, get it?... I'm a child)

Right, so finally, I need some help. I told you last week that I wanted to give you a weekly list of things to read. But that just sounds like homework. I'd really like a cool title/tagline for this weekly post and I'm having a hard time being witty on this one. Suggestions? Ideas? Inspiration? Really I just want to call it anything other than "reading list". You can comment below or catch me on Fb or Twitter. You have one week...GO!